Every year since time immemorial (well, 1947 actually, if you want to get pedantic) Edinburgh has hosted the Festival, and the Festival Fringe, the world's largest arts festival. The city fills up with performers of every kind - comedians, musicians, artists, dancers, actors, literally anyone - and the city becomes a stage. However as students, whilst we've got the time to go check out all sorts of things, we often don't have the money.

Cue the Free Fringe. A fairly recent development, venues started offering free shows, with the artists being paid entirely through donations in an attempt to bring in custom, and hopefully encourage people to buy a few drinks. Again, as students, I've kind of gravitated to the free shows on offer here.

Over the next couple of blog posts, I'm going to be visiting a few of these venues with my motley crew in tow of course, and I'm going to be out there speaking to the people behind the free shows, having a look around the free venues maybe. I'll keep it brief, but basically I'd just like to raise awareness of the Free Festival. Just because you don't pay doesn't mean you don't get your moneys wo- hold on, that doesn't work!

In all seriousness, head down to some of these places, buy a drink or two, and catch a show. Support it, because it's only with your help it'll grow.

This episode features the Jekyll & Hyde pub.


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